Four Easy Steps to Build Muscle Fast

Matty Wiggins
  If you want to build a great physique, you'll want to pay attention to the advice in this article - especially if you're looking to put on some muscular size and drop some unwanted bodyfat. Most folks want to get stronger, leaner, and be more healthy. Unfortunately, much of the info out there for people to try and accomplish this with is pretty lousy, so I'll try to set you on the true path of how to build muscle fast.
  Step 1
First of all, if you want to build muscle fast or lose bodyfat, you need to be lifting weights. By utlizing progressive resistance training, you condition your body to become stronger (in order to move more and more weight). A periodized weight training program that includes strength training (and a clean with a caloric surplus) will lead to you adding more muscular which you can then add some basic cardio work to stave off excess bodyfat (and keep your heart healthy).
  Step 2
After you have spent a good deal of time with your strength training and building muscle, a great way to improve your conditioning (and even help get lean) is to reduce the amount of rest you take between sets. Your workouts can be much tougher to complete (both physically and mentally), but much more beneficial. Just watch yourself so not as to blast your CNS into overtraining, and you can make some pretty awesome physique gains from this style of training.
  Step 3
It doesn't matter what kind of training or workout you do - you've gotta have your diet on point. If you want to build muscle fast, then eating the right types of foods (in the right amounts and at the right times) is critical to your success. Unfortunately, many guys just don't get this right. As muscle is essentially comprised/built of protein, and because hard strength training breaks muscle down, protein is key in muscular recovery - so make sure you get plenty of protein in your diet. Clean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and lean red meat should all be staples of your diet. Increase your overall protein intake by 50% (lower your carbohydrate and fat intake so that daily caloric intake remains constant) is a good place to start.
  Step 3
To ensure that you are actually "strength" training (and if you want to build muscle fast), then you have to make sure that you're lifting heavy enough. More often than not, people want to tell you to make sure you don't lift too heavy - but if your goal is to add muscular bodyweight, keep your form tight and add weight to the bar. Too many people "go through the motions" when the train, and simply just don't challenge themselves. A moderately heavy weight (allowing 6-8 reps with good form) is good for not only getting stronger, but putting on muscle. A good way to start is to find a weight that you can bang out 6 reps with (don't go to complete failure), and strive to continually add reps. When you can get 10 reps in a set, drop the reps back down to 6 and increase the weight.


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