How To Get Six Pack Abs In 3 Minutes On Your Couch?

Christopher Stigson Can you really get a six pack in 3 minutes using just your couch or is it fake? No matter what you think, this will help you get the raw truth out of it... There is a popular video on YouTube today that says you can get a six pack in 3 minutes using your couch. Well, does it really work? Instead of having thousands of people wonder about this, I've created this article to show you why the exercises he does works, and does not really require a couch at all... The first exercises is the basic leg raise. Lay down on your back and lift the soles of your shoes to the roof while firmly keeping your upper-body in position using your arms. Repeat for 20 or so repetitions. The next exercises is the partials to failure, which again, does not require a sofa. All you need is to perform the exercise on the floor, and yes, it's an effective exercises for your abs. To do it, simply lay down on your back and lift your legs from the ground to about 1 foot of the ground and go back down. Repeat this process 20 times. Then we do the crunch, which is easy. I will not explain it here, though it is a great exercises that works wonders. After that move on to static workouts, but I suggest replacing 'static crunches' to plank or spiderman crunches. These are more effective exercises that will show more results quicker, and they burn more fat. To do a plank, simply position yourself on your elbows with the stomach facing down, and intake kind of a pushup position on your elbows. Keep this static position for 45 seconds and be sure to keep your abs tightened while doing this exercise. If you want to do a spiderman plank, all you need to do is to move your knees to your elbows while in this position. Remember, the video that explains this is good, but there are some major improvments that need to be done... It works wonders, but if you do not get more physical activity in, by doing some more exercises you are missing out. And keep in mind, that no matter how many times you do this exercise, you still need to eat right. Six pack abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym. The best type of food to eat can be things like chicken, egg, tuna and vegetables. Try eating these foods and you'll experience a quick transformation, as an addition to your current workout.

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