Building Muscles Do’s and Don’ts

Some Do’s and Don’ts!
1. Don’t enter the gym without a clear goal. Chart your progress as you go, so you know how much improvement you’ve made. This is a great motivator. 2. Don’t eat less. When you cut down on calories drastically, your body goes into survival mode. It starts storing fat instead of burning it, because it doesn’t know when it’s going to get its next meal! Actually, you need to do just the opposite – eat more. Since you’re working out intensely, your body needs those extra calories. But it needs the right kind of calories, not the kind you get from eating processed, junk food.
3. Don’t repeat the same workout over and over again without challenging your body. Instead add one more repetition or do a set in less time. Do this and just see how your body responds!
4. Don’t give up or skip workouts. Every single weight training session is a step closer to your goal. So, a skipped session will set you back. Be consistent.
5. Don’t listen to your mind’s negative statements. Replace them with positive affirmations. Every time your mind says ‘you can’t', you won’t be able to. So, throw the ‘can’t’ out of the equation and replace it with an ‘I can’!
6. Don’t focus on your favorite exercises. This is a big no-no and a very easy one to fall into! After all, it seems natural to continue doing the exercises you enjoy. But don’t do that at the cost of others. Break out of this pattern ASAP! Have a more balanced approach to training by exercising every muscle group.
7. Don’t skip eating after a workout. This again is a huge mistake! Actually, you should be doing just the opposite! Right after a workout is the best time to eat foods that are rich in carbs and packed with proteins.
8. Don’t join the wrong program. A program that’s right for you is the only way you’ll succeed in achieving your goals. This can’t be stressed enough. How many times have you seen your friends join a gym and then give up after a couple of sessions? Or how many times have you already done that? Always find out all there is to know about a program and then join it once you’re convinced this is the one for you.


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