Top Seven Muscle Building Supplements

Dimitri Papalexiou Just about everyone wants to have a more attractive, toned, muscular body, and most folks would like a partner that has one too. This is not all about vanity though, having a slim, muscled body is also good for your health, longevity and your self esteem. In recent decades bodybuilding and body-sculpting have really taken off. To build a strong, lean human being you need, resistance exercise (lifting weights), some type of aerobics (walking, running etc) rest, and adequate nutrition. All of these things when used regularly will get you closer to looking good. It takes time and consistent effort, but you can speed things up a little with the judicious use of health supplements. You may have heard from time to time that supplements (vitamins, shakes, pills & powders) are a waste of money and time. This is true if you use the wrong products (or cheap, inferior stuff), so…. Lets cut through the confusion (and the bull) and find out what are some of the best supps for building that ideal body of yours. These items have been studied, tested literally 100's of times, and used by pros and regular folks with great success. Even yours truly, yes I have the evil problem of not being able to put on weight easily (poor me) but with the use of supps and good nutrition I have conquered my weak points. Following you will find some (but not all) of the top muscle building supplements available.
1: Protein powders. There are countless brands of protein powders, but 3 main types of product. My number one pick is Whey protein, but also good are Casein & Soy proteins. Your body is composed mostly from protein, you can actually survive without carbohydrates, but you will soon perish (waste away, without protein). Whey protein is one of the main proteins found in cow's milk, it is full of BCAA's (brain-chain amino acids) that are required for protein synthesis. Whey protein is absorbed fast by the body and is especially useful just before and after training. Try 15-20 grams just before exercise (around 15mins) and around 30-40 grams within 30-60mins after. When looking to buy whey protein, see if you can get whey protein hydolysate, it is a better version, whey protein concentrate is not as easily broken down in the body. Whey has also been shown to decrease the appetite, boost the immune system and increase positive moods. Also use it for the occasional meal substitute, be bad - have it with ice cream!!! Casein protein, the second of the milk proteins is also useful added to your after training shake. Casein is absorbed much slower in the body than whey, this can be useful to give you a continuous trickle of quality protein over a longer period. Try about 20-40 grams just before going to bed, this will keep your muscles from wasting away while you sleep. Soy protein. (Made from plant based protein - aka Soy Beans.) Poor old soy has come under fire in the media recently with claims that it isn't as good as milk proteins, and worse (for men) that it boosts oestrogen levels. Men don't need boosted oestrogen, because it would have negative effects. Most of these claims were highly exaggerated, soy is a great, extremely bio-available protein source, especially for vegans and lactose intolerant people. More recent evidence shows that soy does not reduce testosterone in men (or increase oestrogen). Other research has also shown that the regular use of soy protein increases the bodies antioxidant protection after training events. Training, of any kind (especially the hard kind) increases the release of free radicals (these can lead to illness and ageing), soy can help lower the risk. You can use soy as you would whey protein. Also adding 20 grams or so to your post training or meal substitute shake can have extra health benefits! Try a small protein shake (15-20 grams) with water, just before intense aerobic training, this will help prevent muscle tissue breakdown.
 2: Creatine. If you're involved in any type of sport, you have probably heard of, or are using creatine. (If not, please stop hiding under your rock). Creatine is one of the most popular sporting supps on the market, it is composed of three amino acids, arginine, glycine and methionine. You will find creatine in many different versions and names - creatine monohydrate, malate, ethyl ester and alphaketoglutarate. All forms are pretty good, use what you can afford! What does this stuff do? There's tons of evidence to show that it can increase bodyweight (muscles that is) and strength dramatically. It also increases fast energy in the muscles allowing you to get a few more reps out of your training, more reps equals more strength and increased muscle size. Creatine pulls water into your muscles too, this stretches the muscle cells and increases muscle growth. Additional research shows that creatine also enhances brain function, and has antioxidant capabilities. Like soy, creatine has had some bad press (more media panic without any scientific backing). Some reports have stated that creatine can cause problems in hot weather training and can lead to severe stomach upset. First, the most recent tests have shown (over and over again) that creatine actually helps prevent UV damage and can assist in training during high temperatures, the exact opposite of media claims, and second - any product taken in excess can lead to stomach bloating. With training take around 3-5 grams of creatine with your protein shakes pre and post workout. Creatine will be used more efficiently in the presents of simple carbs, so make sure your after training shake has a lot of simple carbs in it!

Building Supplements

 3: Multi vitamins. I know what you're thinking, my Doctor says "As long as your diet contains all the important food groups, you don't need vitamins!" Phooey, I'll say it again - phooey. Do you know how hard it is to get all of the bodies required vitamins and minerals from diet alone? Most of the food we eat today is stuffed with preservatives, massively over-processed or has been frozen for so long that it no longer has any nutritional value. Even out soils are nutrient deficient. Added to all this, if you are a person who exercises regularly, you will require even more nutrients than your average couch potato. Additional vitamins and minerals are needed to protect against free radicals, they are used to break down and digest carbs and proteins, essential for brain and nervous health, a must have for hard training and sexual health. Take one good quality multi every morning with breakfast, your body will appreciate it!
 4: Glutamine. Glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids found in the body. It has manu useful functions including boosting your immune system, increasing growth hormone levels, helps decrease muscle breakdown and is the preferred source of fuel for the digestive and immune systems. Latest research shows that it can aid in fat loss, reduce fatigue when taken before workouts and increase muscle glycogen uptake after workouts. Try 3-5 grams in the morning, before and post workouts, and just before bed. Throw it into your protein shakes if you like.
 5: BCAA's - Branch Chain Amino Acids. These little guys include Valine, Leucine & Isoleucine, these are the 3 most essential amino acids for muscle growth and repair. All three of these guys work together to enhance muscle growth, but leucine promotes the greatest amount of protein uptake. When taken before workouts BCAA's can help fuel your training, decrease the effects of cortisol (cortisol lessens testosterone and can breakdown muscle tissue - you don't want either of these things to happen), and reduce delayed onset muscle soreness. Try around 5 grams of BCAA's with breakfast and with your pre & post workouts times.
 6: Nitric Oxide Supplements. Nitric Oxide (not to be confused with nitrous oxide - laughing gas) is a molecule found throughout your body. It performs oodles of different functions especially dilating your blood vessels. Dilated blood vessels means more blood flow, hence more nutrients & oxygen supplied to hard working muscles. This will give you the ability to train harder, it will increase your muscle pump and enhance your recovery time. There is also research to show that folks taking a Nitric Oxide supplement increased their muscle mass and burned more fat. This molecule is also very important for male sexual function (erections). Nitric Oxide is converted from an amino acid called L-Arginine, there are many types of Arginine, all seem to be effective. Take 3-5 grams of L-Arginine before breakfast, 30-60 mins before after training and another dose just before bed. This supp works best on an empty stomach. I have found that Vitamin C greatly assists with the uptake of this product!
 7: Caffeine. (see article in this edition) Caffeine's uses for exercise are many. 200 - 400mgs taken 1 hour before training can help you train longer, burn more fat, feel more positive and gives you the belief that you training isn't as difficult as it actually is. This little gem also decreases delayed onset muscle soreness. Try 200 - 400mgs before breakfast to burn even more fat. There are many other useful supplements available and many more being created everyday. We will cover other products in later editions of Healthbites. Remember, check with your Dr. before taking large amounts of anything - except maybe chocolate (just kidding - maybe).


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