Build Muscle Mass Quick With Core Strength Training

The greatest way to build muscle mass quickly is to train with the heaviest weight you can handle. Training the biggest muscle groups with the most basic multi joint exercise. Alot of the time the problem with people's training is not the form or that they are just weak in that movement, but a weak link in the chain. To get the muscle mass that most guys are looking for, the weights need to be heavy and in compound exercises like the squat and the deadlift. The grip can give out on the deadlift, but with both the squat and the deadlift the waist or core can and will give out. There is are some quick fixes for this and some not so quick. The first on is to get rid of the training belt. Develop your own belt by training the core. The next is to get a couple of sandbags and a duffle bag. Sandbag training will take your core training to a whole new level. With sandbag training the weight is always shifting and moving around making you adjust your body to be able to continue the movement. The same thing with the duffle bag, with it being loaded with sand it is shifting also. The smaller sandbags are used to train the grip, shoulders, arms, and the rotational muscles of the lower back, abs, and the sides or obliques. The larger bag would be used to train the muscles of the legs and hips. will be used to train the bigger movements that will get the core involved. The great part of sandbag training with the larger bag is that due to the size of the bag and the shifting of the sand it will make you round the back out to lift the bag unlike the barbell that you use a flat back. And it is this type of training that will develop a truley powerful back and core. Even the obliques will get involved to create a powerful core and thicken up the waist. Which will transfer over to the squat and the deadlift. Exercises that can be used to train with the smaller sandbag or sandbags are standing twist in front of the body or swing the bag from left to right over your head, the hammer throw, clean and press and the forward bend. There are many exercises that you could do you just have to open up your mind. With the larger bag you could perform lifts like two hand to shoulder lift, the squat, the deadlift, and a clean and press. Again just like the smaller bags just open up your mind to the possibilties of the various exercises that could be performed. You could also take this in a different direction by training the water jugs or a 55 gallon barrell. Or you could train like the old time wrestler's, in India, using clubbells or hammers. There is even training with a sledgehammer that you could look in to. There are many dirrerent pieces of training equipment that could be used instead of a barbell or dumbbells. And any of the iteams listed above or even iteams like that are going to train the core, inner and outer abs, lower back, hips, and the obliques, harder than any barbell or dumbbell exercise. You can keep ignoring the weakest like in your training or start training your core like it should be trainined, not on a ab machine or doing endless crunches. But with heavy training using objects other than a barbell or dumbell.

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